Chicken Toys; The Fun, Affordable Preventative. Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 18

chicken toysAre your chickens eating each others eggs?  Are they stressed out?  Bored?  Picking at each other?  Does it seem like they go looking for things to get themselves into trouble?  Did you know chickens can be TOO heavy?  Are yours eating too much?  Does it seem like they are constantly trying to escape?  What if I told you that you can add something to your chicken operation that addresses and mitigates all these issues?  For Free?  Yes, chicken toys might be your answer!

Many chicken owners are under the mistaken impression that providing chicken toys to your flock is a frivolous, self-indulgent affair.  Something that people that think too highly of their birds do.  “Experts” even warn people away from certain chicken toys, merely on principle that the idea is “silly”.  Far from it, apart from providing yourself, your family and your chickens with entertainment, chicken toys help to prevent many problems from starting with your flock, and even stopping some problems after they’ve started.  Chickens are smarter than many people think.  They need mental stimulation!  Apart from addressing problems, some chicken toys will provide practical improvements to your birds environment, we’ll go over the various advantages during the show!  Are you just setting up the yard for chickens?  Make sure they’ve got something to keep their minds busy!

You don’t need to have a big budget to provide chicken toys for your flock either.  In fact, many chicken toys can be made for free.  Odds are, you have everything you need to start making chicken toys today.  And… you should!  Chicken toys are very entertaining for both humans and chickens.  They’re a great way to keep your kids involved with the flock as well.  There are a lot of creative, cheap or free ways to make toys  for the flock and we’ll make sure you’ve got at least one good idea that you can use today!

Make sure you catch the rest of the show too; Strange things are going on in the chicken cabinet of curiosities (or should we say closet?) and a word of warning in song to those who prey upon the chicken.. One day you’ll look up, and see Ghost Chickens in the Sky.

Witchcraft, chicken ghosts and tips on which musical instruments are best for your chickens… Where else but the Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast!!

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