What The Cluck!? Technical Difficulties!

Hello wonderful fans of the show!  I’m sorry to report that last night an evil spirit entered into our sound equipment and ate our recording of this weeks podcast.  Despite the heroic efforts of Amber, the show could not be recovered, and sadly, were going to have to skip the show for the week.
HOWEVER, Rest assured!  We have identified the problem and will be back in action next week with a bunch of exciting new things to share about how were taking the show forward to new heights!!    Stay tuned and thanks for listening!!

Avoiding Electric Heating; Episode 29

For anyone with chickens living in colder climes, there is the great debate of “to heat or not to heat” to consider.  While there might not be a correct answer, as it depends on your “chicken philosophy”, one of the strong anti-heating arguments centers around the dangers and expense of using electric heating.  Its true that electricity causes many of the disastrous coop fires we’ve seen in the news, and its likewise true that electric heating is about the most expensive (inefficient) way to generate heat there is.  Short of burning money for warmth.

Not that gas is cheap either.. This week in the cabinet of curiosities, among many other stories, we hear the tale of the man who designed a system to save one poultry farmer $30,000; Off of a $60,000 dollar heating bill!  Not by changing fuels, but by changing design efficiency.  There are a lot of ways to avoid electric heating that have to do with improving design.  If you’re designing a coop, keeping winter temperatures in mind is very important!  We’ve got a few design ideas and modifications that can greatly reduce the need for heating your coop!

Beyond changes in design however there are things you can try to do to raise the nighttime temperature in the coop.  You’ve probably heard of deep liter bedding, but is it really a solution or hype?  We’ll talk about some of the problems with the idea.  We’ll also go over some alternative energy ideas for warming your birds without electric heating.. Or even fuel!

Amber has discovered an ancient tradition, steeped in mythology of foretelling the future with chicken bones!  Have a peek in the cabinet to learn about this curious tradition!  And, just because, Amber tells the story of a paddle boarding chicken.

Electric Heating
Of course Amber has groupies.

But other peoples chickens aren’t the only ones having fun; We won’t apologize for the fact that this is our first show we’ve done in the daytime, and we are utterly distracted by the flock, who insists on stopping by periodically to watch us through the window.  It was really tempting to let them in and join us again on the show.  They haven’t been on the show since they were babies, so maybe they’re trying so hard because they really have something to say?

And we have to talk about Sargent Pecker. Our Blue Andalusian  seems to have shifted her position in the pecking order, and has now transitioned into the role of rooster.  Oh. My.   So far, it seems to be working out the best for everybody. This week Sargent was on patrol and alerted everyone of a nearby predator!

Good news with the two story chicken coop; the birds are slowly moving up to the penthouse!

And the molt continues;  I can’t believe the pile of feathers we find in the coop daily now.  One of our poor chickens looks like its been through a disaster, and a couple are not far behind.. Everybody’s getting ready for winter- Are you?

The Naked Truth About Molting; Episode 28

Molting molt witchcraft chickensThey stopped laying eggs, they’re moody, feathers falling out everywhere!  Does your chicken look like she’s been out on a three night bender?  Well, before you decide the plague is at hand, or send Henrietta to rehab, check to see if its not just that she’s molting!  Every year our birds go through their egg laying cycle, and molting is part of that cycle.  Sometimes dramatic, there can be quite a change in the bird.  Especially in appearance!  How do you know whether your bird is just undergoing this natural, cyclical change or if something else fowl is afoot?  Never fear Amber has the answers!  In todays show were going to tell you all about molting.  It is the season!  What does it look like, what does it mean, why does it happen?  Can I stop it?  Should I stop it?  What should I do?  Listen in as we go over all the issues around one of the more popular topics of chicken raising; The molt!  Its that time of year, be ready!  WINTER IS COMING!

The cabinet of curiosities is so filled with strange, unusual goings on, we might have to chain it to the floor.  You’ve heard of double yolk eggs.. But there is a more rare, bizarre egg laying oddity.. You’ll find it in the cabinet of curiosities!  And of course, we’ll talk about curses, and chickens.  Did you know that chickens make good curse removers?  Find out why, and why you should NEVER lose a staring contest with a chicken!
Theres some pretty wild, weird science news in the realm of GMO chickens.  No, were not talking about lab grown meat, or chickens with 8 legs or any of the typical stories.. This “Frankenchicken” saves lives!  What the cluck?  Lets find out!

Its all right here on the Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast;
“A chicken podcast so shocking, you’ll molt early”

The Great Chicken Parade And Bumblefoot; Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast 27

Chicken races Bumblefoot Antique Vintage Victorian GothWe recently discovered Petaluma, Ca and its long history of being “The egg basket of the world”.  A fascinating turn of the century story involving one mans mission to transform a quiet agricultural town into the “Egg center of the universe”.  So today we’re going to talk a bit about the town, its historic museum where the first patented incubator resides (A beautiful machine), as well as a variety of other Victorian era chicken raising equipment, and the man who transformed the town.  But circumstance has also led Amber to quite a bit of research on the subject of bumblefoot, a serious medical condition that all chicken owners should be prepared to deal with.

Keen observation and acting early can prevent A lot of problems with with our birds, and bumblefoot is no exception.  What can be a manageable problem at first can rapidly transform into a crippling or even fatal injury if unattended.  Fortunately, the treatment is simple and generally effective.  Unfortunately, bumblefoot is kind of gross. Well, screw your courage to the sticking post and soldier on.  We’ve got to be ready to do what it takes to keep our birds healthy!  Amber breaks down the whole procedure, and after care.  Did you know bumblefoot can come from a simple foot injury?  You’ll want to be in the know if bumblefoot shows up in your flock.

But were not just going to talk about medical stuff; we’ve made some advances on our “Chicken tower” The play structure and swing set we converted into a coop and yard; changing our chickens diet has had some stimulating results!  We’ll give you an update on the production of our Chicken raising audio book from 1885.  Chicken Pancakes (of course, we mean pancakes FOR chickens!); And the very serious business of English chicken racing… Bring your Chicken racing hat!

Brace Your Chickens, Winter Is Coming! Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 26

Winter is ComingIt seems so far away, but then its there all at once.  Winter.. And everything that comes with it.  Are you prepared?  Dealing with winter can be a manageable experience or a disaster, and a lot of that depends on preparation! Today on the Twin Beaks Podcast , we’ll review some basic steps you can take to prevent an unpleasant experience for your chickens this winter.  We also will give you a lot of winterizing tips and tricks to make things easier for the winter.

Its not all intuitive either, Find out why making your chicken coop air tight is a bad idea in the winter.  What can you do to prepare for winter-before you even have chickens and a coop?  Did you know that winter is the ideal time to bring chicken toys into play?  Things get dull when its raining and snowing for days on end.  Are there ways to heat up the coop without electricity? We will cover a wide range of topics-all things winterizing- on todays show.  Including touching on the subject of light, and boosting egg laying productivity through the winter.

But thats not all.  Shannon has an update on his audiobook “The Biggle Poultry Book” (1895) We’ve finished the reading, and it won’t be long till we finish editing.  Have a listen to see what thats all about.

Amber stirs debate with a scientific study that suggests that chickens prefer people who match human beauty standards.  What do you think?  Chicken fact–or chicken fantasy?  Let us know..

We would like to hear from you!  Let us know if there is a topic you’d like to hear us research and discuss on the show.  We just love sharing knowledge and we want you to  Know Your Chicken.

Brace Yourselves… The Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast is Coming!

Protecting Your Chickens From Bears; Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 25

Protecting Your Chickens from BearsIts hard to imagine something more devastating than a bear attacking your chickens.  They’re such strong, large animals, that they can cause an incredible amount of devastation to your flock.  Preventing the destructive power of bears is an ancient problem, but fortunately we have many new solutions to dealing with the threat!  There are many good practices one can adopt to discourage bears from becoming a problem in the first place.

As human populations expand, and more and more people come to appreciate having backyard chickens, issues with bears have become more and more of a problem.  Always looking for a free meal, bears can become attracted to your chickens.  Once they’re around, things will only get worse, as they will destroy gardens, bird feeders, attack pets, and generally become a big, dangerous nuisance.  We’ll go over the other things that might attract bears to your home besides chickens, and offer solutions both from our research as well as some of our own ideas to keep the bears out!

The Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast recently moved into bear territory, and while they aren’t an immediate, pressing threat, we decided it was time to brush up on or basic bear defenses and we’ll be happy to share with you what we’ve learned.

Join Amber in the cabinet of curiosities as we explore chickens and their amazing head tracking ability.  Have you noticed that no matter how you move a chicken, it keeps its head stationary?  Perhaps chickens would make the perfect camera tripod?  How do they do it?  It might have something to do with special “Rocks” inside their heads!  What would you expect from a bird that has a previously undiscovered form of matter in their eyes?!

Amber also found a curious little fact about eggs, and how to store them.. Did you know that there is a right side up for storing eggs?  It might seem like a small thing, but after you hear why eggs should be stored the correct way, you’ll be glad to know.

Fair Oaks Chicken Festival! Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 24

Fair Oaks Chicken FestivalWhile cities everywhere are struggling with the question of allowing back yard chickens, the city of Fair Oaks, Ca has embraced the chicken, allowing them to roam free in the city, and holding a yearly celebration in their honor!  This week we made a special trip to Fair Oaks just to check out the scene at the Fair Oaks Chicken Festival, and get to the bottom of what its like for a city to let chickens free range through town.

The population of Chickens in Fair Oaks is believed to be around 400 birds, and it is typical for them to outnumber the people in the town square.  Most of the people in town enjoy them, many have made it a selling point of their businesses, and the “Welcome to Fair Oaks” sign boasts a large rooster.  People tell stories of their favorite chicken they meet regularly at the local coffee shop, one fellow has come to rely on finding an egg in a specific planter by the bar, that he adds to his beer.

Of course the Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast could not be kept away, and when we found out that the Fair Oaks Chicken festival was at hand, we knew we had to see what the city had to offer.  After our surprise discovery of the chickens of Yuba City, we had to see if  chickens also rule the roost in Fair Oaks.  And we were not disappointed.  It could not be mistaken that the the people of the city love their chickens!

Lots of other important chicken matters to discuss as well.. We’ll tell you about how chickens are working behind the scenes to revive endangered species, share a story of heroic chicken rescue and innovative chicken transport.   What do you do when the hurricane’s a comin’?  Save the Chickens by any means necessary!

Finally, we get a rare peek into the philosophy of chickens.  Are chickens at peace with themselves and their identity?  Lets find out!

Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode Zero- Special Guatemala Edition

Shannon was digging through the old photos of the epic Twin Beaks Journey to Guatemala when he happened upon this video that he’d forgotten ever making.  Back before we started the podcast we went to Guatemala, and, with the idea of one day starting a podcast, we shot these videos.  We had to miss doing the show this week, but we thought it would be fun to see how Guatemalans keep and live with chickens.  Hope you enjoy!

What does a Mayan village sound like at dawn?  Oh… Roosters… Endless roosters…

Indoor Pet Chickens; Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 23

Amber and her Pet Rooster Grettle
Amber and her Pet Rooster Grettle

The rise of the Pet house chicken is at hand!  People from all walks of life are embracing the idea of having a pet chicken.  And why not?  They’re intelligent, can be house trained, are productive, useful, and entertaining!  Many people have a hard time imagining living with a chicken in their home, but with some preparation and careful decision making, this is a very manageable idea, and its one that is growing in popularity all the time!

We’ve got to cover the all-important, critical question of “Can Chickens Hold It?”  Can they control when they go to the bathroom. “Experts” on the internet say its impossible.  But anecdotal evidence abounds that pet chickens can be trained to restrain and retrain.  Which is true?  We’ll give you both sides, and you make the call.

Why Shouldn’t people have pet chickens?  How are they different from parrots?  When you listen to the arguments against keeping chickens as pets, theres not much there that can’t be said about any other type of animal.  So are people who keep chickens in their houses reasonable?  Or are they clucking crazy?  On this weeks show, we’ll cover the ins and outs of the great “indoor chicken” debate!  We’ll also talk about how to keep chickens indoors, some of the chief considerations, when keeping a chicken indoors might be a good tactical idea, and what some other alternatives to house chickens might be.  Maybe you’ve already decided its time to have a pet chicken.  In that case, the experience will be determined largely by how well you have trained your chicken.  We made a whole episode about that; “The Hunger Games”.

And of course, we’ll take a look in the cabinet of curiosities; back in time , to the mid 1800’s when the discovery that tornadoes pluck chickens alive compelled humanity to ask the question; “How fast can I shoot this chicken out of a cannon before its feathers fly off”.  FOR SCIENCE!!  No really.

More sciency goodness than you can handle; coming at you at 341 miles an hour… Only on The Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast!

Beat Stress For Success; Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 22

Stress kills chickens Many people make the mistake of waiting until stress is causing observable, dramatic problems with the flock.  But stress can be subtle, low grade, and can add up to significant losses over time; in egg production, in weight gain, in poorer health, and so on.  Today on the show we’re going to talk about stress, and some of the things that are likely to stress your birds.  Even inappropriate light periods can lead to unhappy, stressed-out, unproductive chickens.  And… You might never know!  Is your dog stressing out your birds?  How about the cat?  How about the neighbors?  What about YOU?!?  You might be surprised at some of the suggestions on how to reduce stress in your chickens lives.

Theres also some interesting stories in this weeks cabinet of curiosities.. The worlds smallest Egg!  You’d need a few to make an omelet.  Theres a man in Texas, who decided to troll people by taking his chicken on walks in a stroller.. Little did he know, he’d become a sensation!  And… An incredible curiosity; What caused a man to build a giant church shaped like a chicken in the middle of the jungle?

And we’ll put the icing on the cake with a pirate song.  About chickens.  What else…?