Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 3; Getting Your Yard Ready For Chickens

Welcome to episode 3 of the Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast!  Getting your yard ready for chickens!Today we’ll focus on getting your yard ready for chickens..  You’ve picked out your breeds, you set up your brooder box, the birds arrived, and now they’re growing, growing, growing…. Are you getting your yard ready?  We’ll help you make sure you’ve covered all the bases.  But first..

We begin episode 3 with an update on our own chicks, and introduce Amber’s news segment; a compilation of recent news stories involving chickens.  This week includes a VERY exciting bit of news from the poultry industry; A couple stories about heroic chickens saving the lives of their keepers, and why you should keep them in the bedroom- For Your Own Safety!, or maybe just give them your house..  You won’t believe the story of one lady who took that idea to heart and kept two houses full of chickens, with  A couple turkeys… Just for good measure.

After the news segment we discuss the basics of getting your yard ready for chickens, and why planning is far better than “lets get chickens and sort it out later”.  We’ll cover the basics, a few things that people might not consider that are essential, the virtues of the dust bath, keeping the bad guys out, keeping the good guys in, questions of how many chickens your yard can support, and why keeping your numbers low is important, protecting your yard from the birds that will eat anything and everything, and we kick around the bewildering internet theory that “you can let your chickens in the garden, and they will kill all the bugs”.  Its mostly true, but theres a few problems with the plan… Stay Tuned!

Hang in with us through this episode.  This is where we discovered that one of the channels in our microphone was dead.  Amber may be a bit hard to hear during portions of the show.  Since recording we’ve found a work around and new microphones are on the way.  We’re still new at this, but were committed to providing you with the most amazing chicken show on the planet.. you’ll love what we’ve got coming up!

Please give us feedback, we would like to hear from you!  You can comment on this post, get in touch with us through the contact page, through Facebook, or subscribe and leave us a review on iTunes.  iTunes reviews really help the show!  Feel free to register to the website, and get in touch with us and your fellow chicken enthusiasts through the forum. Thank you for your continued support, we’d love to hear what you think of the show!

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