Fair Oaks Chicken Festival! Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 24

Fair Oaks Chicken FestivalWhile cities everywhere are struggling with the question of allowing back yard chickens, the city of Fair Oaks, Ca has embraced the chicken, allowing them to roam free in the city, and holding a yearly celebration in their honor!  This week we made a special trip to Fair Oaks just to check out the scene at the Fair Oaks Chicken Festival, and get to the bottom of what its like for a city to let chickens free range through town.

The population of Chickens in Fair Oaks is believed to be around 400 birds, and it is typical for them to outnumber the people in the town square.  Most of the people in town enjoy them, many have made it a selling point of their businesses, and the “Welcome to Fair Oaks” sign boasts a large rooster.  People tell stories of their favorite chicken they meet regularly at the local coffee shop, one fellow has come to rely on finding an egg in a specific planter by the bar, that he adds to his beer.

Of course the Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast could not be kept away, and when we found out that the Fair Oaks Chicken festival was at hand, we knew we had to see what the city had to offer.  After our surprise discovery of the chickens of Yuba City, we had to see if  chickens also rule the roost in Fair Oaks.  And we were not disappointed.  It could not be mistaken that the the people of the city love their chickens!

Lots of other important chicken matters to discuss as well.. We’ll tell you about how chickens are working behind the scenes to revive endangered species, share a story of heroic chicken rescue and innovative chicken transport.   What do you do when the hurricane’s a comin’?  Save the Chickens by any means necessary!

Finally, we get a rare peek into the philosophy of chickens.  Are chickens at peace with themselves and their identity?  Lets find out!

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