Protecting Your Chickens From Bears; Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 25

Protecting Your Chickens from BearsIts hard to imagine something more devastating than a bear attacking your chickens.  They’re such strong, large animals, that they can cause an incredible amount of devastation to your flock.  Preventing the destructive power of bears is an ancient problem, but fortunately we have many new solutions to dealing with the threat!  There are many good practices one can adopt to discourage bears from becoming a problem in the first place.

As human populations expand, and more and more people come to appreciate having backyard chickens, issues with bears have become more and more of a problem.  Always looking for a free meal, bears can become attracted to your chickens.  Once they’re around, things will only get worse, as they will destroy gardens, bird feeders, attack pets, and generally become a big, dangerous nuisance.  We’ll go over the other things that might attract bears to your home besides chickens, and offer solutions both from our research as well as some of our own ideas to keep the bears out!

The Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast recently moved into bear territory, and while they aren’t an immediate, pressing threat, we decided it was time to brush up on or basic bear defenses and we’ll be happy to share with you what we’ve learned.

Join Amber in the cabinet of curiosities as we explore chickens and their amazing head tracking ability.  Have you noticed that no matter how you move a chicken, it keeps its head stationary?  Perhaps chickens would make the perfect camera tripod?  How do they do it?  It might have something to do with special “Rocks” inside their heads!  What would you expect from a bird that has a previously undiscovered form of matter in their eyes?!

Amber also found a curious little fact about eggs, and how to store them.. Did you know that there is a right side up for storing eggs?  It might seem like a small thing, but after you hear why eggs should be stored the correct way, you’ll be glad to know.

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